Warnings Against Folly – Proverbs 6
In the Bible on my desk right now, the first part of Proverbs six has a section heading. It is called “Warnings Against Folly.”
It is interesting that more than half the section deals with money. Being financially responsible is obviously very important, and it is a recurring theme throughout the whole book of Proverbs and the teachings of Jesus as well.
The first warning is against putting up security for your neighbour. Now, you might think that trusting your neighbour is the kind, neighbourly thing to do.
But, no. It is considered foolishness. We need to be more careful than that. We need to understand that our resources are gifts from God, and we are responsible for being wise in how we use them.
Time is money. Money is time.
Our money represents our time, the most precious gift of all. It is up to us to be careful with how it is used.
Do we honour God with our time and money? Heed the warnings against folly that are presented here in Proverbs and learn how to be wiser with your own resources.
See also: Go to the Ant – Proverbs 6