About Ken R. Abell

In addition to being a writer, a pastor, and a long-time Jesus follower, Ken R. Abell is a contributing editor at Disturbing the World. Find messages from Ken under Philosophy of Life: Where Faith Meets Reality. This is his introduction:

“I am a transplanted Canadian, presently living in the wilds of southern Ohio. An advocate of lifelong learning, I have been writing for as long as I can remember. As I put this profile together, there is a manuscript entitled An Ordinary Story Of Extraordinary Hope making the rounds of publishing houses.

“My interests are rather eclectic, including but not limited to history, politics, sports and spiritual formation; I am especially fascinated with exploring and understanding those intersections where faith meets reality. Often a song from the soundtrack of my life will get stuck inside my head. The only way to make it stop is to use a snippet of its lyrics as an entry point for an article or story, and then proceed to write it into submission and silence.

“Becoming and being a Christian or more literally, a Christ-follower, is not about religion; it is about living life to its fullest. Religion, with its rules and regulations, offers no hope for any of us. It is only in Jesus Christ we have life worth living, and that means it is all about relationship. Or as an old hippy might exclaim: ‘It’s all ’bout relationship, baby!’”

We are please to announce that Ken’s book An Ordinary Story of Extraordinary Hope is now available. In it, “true life narrative is tied to Scripture to describe God’s presence in the midst of painful circumstances. It explores the full scope of grief issues to proclaim that grace and hope are stronger than the hardness of life; grace and hope are saturated with redemptive power.” (description from WantedMan.org)

To read more online from Ken, visit his HubPages and give his articles a big thumbs up! For more about Ken, visit WantedMan.org.