Gratitude in Action
Then Miriam the prophet, Aaron’s sister, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women followed her, with timbrels and dancing. Miriam sang to them: “Sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted.” – Exodus 15:20-21, NIV
The tribe of Israel had just seen God perform an amazing rescue. They’d been freed from Egypt where they’d been enslaved for hundreds of years.
Emotions must have been running high. The Israelites were probably stunned, scared, excited, and delighted. Where would they go? What would they do? How would they provide for their families?
It would have been easy to give into overwhelm. But Miriam had another response. She quickly grabbed her tambourine (known then as a timbrel) and began to praise God. She thanked God for what He’d done for her and her loved ones.
The interesting thing about Miriam’s response is that it started a chain reaction. As soon as she began to praise God, others joined her. The women nearby also began to play their instruments and dance in delight, too.
Like Miriam, you can also lead others to thank God. It starts by cultivating an attitude of gratitude in your own heart and mind. From there, you can encourage your spouse, your children, or your friends to practice gratitude too.
Ask loved ones what they’re grateful for today. Prompt them to take a moment and think about a blessing they received this past week. Continually encourage those around you to share what God has done for them!
God, let my eyes always see Your blessings. Let Your praises be always on my tongue. Help me to inspire others to show their gratitude.