Devotions,  Psalms,  Something to Think About

The Triumph of Delight

“That which a man spits against heaven, shall fall back on his own face.”
-Thomas Adams, 1614.

There have always been people who mock God and all those who believe in him. Sometimes we act as if unbelief is a new thing. It isn’t.

The psalmist uses the very first psalm in the Bible to warn us not to listen to mockers. For thousands of years, some people have chosen, not only to disbelieve, but also to mock believers.

And it’s not like we can avoid the naysayers. They are on the internet, on the television, and in our classrooms every day. We are surrounded by a popular culture of disrespect toward God.

Our best strategy is to flood out the negative with the positive. We are instructed in Psalm 1 to delight ourselves in the Lord “day and night.” We are to combat mockery with delight.

It is interesting that we aren’t told to argue and debate. We aren’t told to hate and destroy. We are admonished instead to retreat and draw delight from our own private time with God.

This is not just for our own benefit, but also benefits those around us. Have you considered what a powerful witness joy can be to an embittered heart?

Don’t worry yourself over those who speak out against God. Rather, take some time to get quiet with the Lord and pray for them.

Here is what the psalmist says about spending time with God:

You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. -Psalm 16:11
